viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

CUARENTENA: Louis Vuitton re-purposes its French workshops to make non-surgical face masks.

Por. SUROESTEonline_La Vie Charmant @cepq

Info. Aura Marina Hernández / PR Louis Vuitton en Venezuela @PR_BPS @LouisVuitton
Photo. Courtesy David Gallard

Louis Vuitton has launched the production of hundreds of thousands of non-surgical protective masks, re-purposing its French workshops in Marsaz and Saint-Donat (Drôme), Saint-Pourçain (Allier), Ducey (Manche) and Sainte-Florence (Vendée), where three hundred artisans are mobilised in response to the French government’s plea for the increased production of alternative non-surgical masks to aid in the battle against Covid-19.

Michael Burke, Louis Vuitton Chairman and CEO, formalised the start of production by visiting the Sainte-Florence workshop, where twenty-two artisans are voluntarily stationed and already making masks that will be provided to protect frontline healthcare workers. 

Mrs. Correira, Director of the Marpa nursing-home in Sainte-Florence and Mr. Gaborieau, Director of the Saint-Vincent de Paul care home in Essarts, Bocage, both being among those receiving the newly created masks, joined Michael Burke in greeting the volunteers.

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